BSCCO Roadmap
This page contains the planned release schedule for BSCCO.
All dates are tentative and may be postponed due to development delays.
Open Alpha: June 2022
BSCCO will initially be released as a Core Lightning plugin.
This version will be usable on regtest, testnet, and signet.
GUI: July 2022
A GUI client for BSCCO, possibly one that runs in the browser.
Mainnet Alpha: September 2022
This version will bring mainnet support to BSCCO.
An interactive protocol for establishing a BSCCO channel may be included, but may not be, since that doesn’t really need to be defined by the protocol.
We also plan on having at least one simple app built using BSCCO for the beta.
Stay tuned for details.
Lnd & Umbrel support: Late 2022 - Early 2023
Support for LND and Umbrel will also come, eventually.
Not prioritizing this until BSCCO works smoothly on Core Lightning.
Follow develpment
If you are interested in following the development of BSCCO, check out the following links:
This is who to pester if things are behind schedule: Twitter: @btc_dakara
This is who to follow for releases only: Twitter: @trustless_inc
Join this Discord server to discuss things: Discord: link in preparation